Work Matrix
The Work Matrix page displays work orders in a color-coded grid view and allows you to act upon the work orders summarized in each cell. At the top of the page, the Repair Center field allows you to select a value to filter the work orders by repair center.
Above the grid are two fields that allow you to select primary and secondary classifications for organizing the work orders. For example, if you want to view what type of work has been assigned to each technician, your could classify by labor assignee and then category. This would result in the matrix containing one row for each technician and then a sub-row for each type of assignment. Or, if you want to know what are the high priority tasks for each department, you could classify them by department then priority, resulting in a row for each department and a High Normal and Low row beneath that. If you want to invert the selected classifications, click the Arrow button to the left of the fields.
Some primary categories categorize the work orders by multiple values (for example, Shops & Departments). In this case, the classifications are listed sequentially and a secondary classification cannot be chosen.
Once you have selected your desired classification, the page updates to show the number of open work orders in the selected classifications, broken down as follows:
Open: All open work orders (both requests and preventive maintenance).
Open Requests: Open requests broken down by target date (today, all, or overdue).
Open PMs: Open preventive maintenance work orders broken down by target date (today, all, or overdue).
Matrix Click Action
Above the matrix, the Matrix Click Action field allows you to select the action that occurs when you click a cell in the grid.
Set Criteria: Filters the work orders displayed in List pane according to the selected classifications, work order type, and target date. You can click the Set Criteria button in the List pane, to open a dialog box that displays criteria that are in place.
Set Criteria/Expanded List: Filters the work orders displayed in List Pane according to the selected classifications, work order type, and target date and displays the List pane in expanded view, allowing you to operate upon multiple records, if needed.
Work Order List Report: Opens the selected work orders in a Work Order List report page, grouped according to the selected classifications. From this report, you can click a row to display the work order details or click the Complete or Close button to update the work order status. You can also use the buttons in the toolbar to print, email or export the report, change the report setup or criteria, or refresh the report. When you have finished with the report, click the Close button in the top right corner.
Work Order Report: Allows you to print a report containing the selected work orders, grouped by the selected classifications. When you click a cell, a dialog box opens, asking you to confirm that you want to print. If you click OK, a print preview window opens. You can also use the buttons in the toolbar to print, email or export the report, change the report criteria, or refresh the report. When you have finished with the report, click the Close button in the top right corner.
Work Order (No-Grouping): Performs the same action as the Work Order Report option, but ignores the groupings and lists each work order sequentially.
Run Report: Opens a dialog box allowing you to select the report you want to run for the work orders in the selected classification.